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  • ISO国际标准化组织
  • GB中国标准
  • EN欧洲标准
  • BSS波音标准
  • NF法国标准协会
  • ASTM美国材料与试验协会
  • BS英国标准协会
  • 其他测试标准
  • CPSC美国消费品安全协会
  • NES英国海军工程


Glow Wire Test Apparatus

The glow-wire test is suitable for plastics and non-metallic insulating material parts used in electrical and electronic products and house...

应用行业: 建筑材料

Foam Horizontal Vertical Burning Tester

The horizontal and vertical combustion test chamber for foam products is designed to test the flammability performance of equipment and app...

应用行业: 建筑材料 汽车内饰

Single wire and cable combustion Tester

The single wire and cable combustion tester is applied to the vertical flame spread test of a single wire, cable or optical cable, and can ...

应用行业: 电线电缆

Bunched wire and cable combustion tester

Bunched wire and cable combustion tester is a test equipment used to evaluate the ability of vertically installed bundled wire and cable or...

应用行业: 电线电缆

VW-1 Wire and Cable Combustion Resistance Test Chamber

The wire and cable fire resistance test chamber is a special testing machine for testing the fire resistance of wire insulators or covering...

应用行业: 电线电缆

Textile Vertical Burning Tester

This equipment is manufactured in accordance with the test methods for measuring the flame retardant properties of various flame retardant ...


Carpet Burning Tester

Carpet flammability tester, used to test the flammability and flame retardant properties of carpets when subjected to small flames


Horizontal Combustion Tester For Automotive Interiors (Integrated)

The vehicle interior combustion test device is produced in accordance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 302. In Europe...


Integrated vehicle interior vertical combustion tester

The vertical combustion test device for automotive interior materials is a test device for the vertical combustion characteristics of curta...


Surface Flame Propagation Tester

BS 476-7 test method is a method for determining flame propagation properties of materials by exposing specimens to specified convective c...

应用行业: 建筑材料 其他领域

Limited Oxygen Index Tester

The limited oxygen index analyzer can measure the minimum concentration of oxygen required for combustion of a sample. Oxygen index is an ...


Automotive interior vertical combustion tester

The vertical combustion test device is used to test the vertical combustion characteristics of curtain, shade and other suspension material...
