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  • ISO国际标准化组织
  • GB中国标准
  • EN欧洲标准
  • BSS波音标准
  • NF法国标准协会
  • ASTM美国材料与试验协会
  • BS英国标准协会
  • 其他测试标准
  • CPSC美国消费品安全协会
  • NES英国海军工程


Flame-retardant coating combustion tester (large plate method)

According to the technical conditions of national standard GB12441-2005, fire coating tester is suitable for testing the fire resistance ...

应用行业: 建筑材料

IMO Thermal Radiation Flame Propagation Tester

IMO Thermal Radiation Flame Propagation Tester is developed according to IM0 FTPC Part 5 and 6 IMO Res 653(16)_EN and G...

应用行业: 建筑材料 轨道交通

Roof pv module combustion tester

Roof pv module combustion tester is developed according to GB/T 30735-2014 "Roof and Roof covering products External Reaction Test ...

应用行业: 建筑材料 电线电缆

Fume Hood

Fume hood in order to make the laboratory staff do not inhale or swallow into some toxic, pathogenic or unknown toxic chemicals and organis...

应用行业: 建筑材料 电线电缆

Combustion exhaust gas treatment system

The combustion exhaust gas treatment system is aimed at the exhaust gas generated by the combustion of the sample during the experiment, he...

应用行业: 建筑材料 电线电缆

Needle flame combustion tester

Needle flame combustion test tester, designed for under specified conditions the experimental flame will not ignite parts, or the experimen...

应用行业: 电线电缆 其他领域

Fire sensitivity test device for point type smoke detector

This equipment is in line with GB 4715-2005, applicable to the general industrial and civil buildings installed in the scattered light, t...

应用行业: 建筑材料 其他领域

Micro Combustion Calorimeter

The micro calorimeter can determine basic chemical thermal values and predict the fire resistance of materials in a matter of minutes. Thi...


FIPEC wire and cable heat release rate tester

This standard specifies the test apparatus and test method for evaluating the flame spread, heat release and smoke production characteristi...


Building materials monomer product combustion tester

The SBI test method is used to test the fire resistance of building material products (except flooring materials) when exposed to heat. ...


Combustion calorific value test device for building materials

The equipment meets the main technical indicators and requirements stipulated in GB/T 14402-2007, and is suitable for measuring the calo...


Floor covering material thermal radiation tester

Floor material heat radiation tester is developed according to ISO 9239-1, ASTM E648 and GB/T 11785 floor material combustion pe...
